Bolstering our immune system gives our bodies fuel and protection beyond standard practices of vaccinations, hand washing, social distancing and masks. To support your journey to achieve your best health, we’ve rounded up the top functional medicine recommendations for bolstering your immune system.
Vitamin D
In a September 2020 study, people who had deficient Vitamin D levels were 1.77 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19. Another study found that 82% of hospitalized patients were deficient in Vitamin D, but did not find a causal relationship between Vitamin D and COVID-19. Consider supplementing your Vitamin D intake, particularly as the days get shorter in the year and check out this podcast by Dr. Mark Hyman.
Eating adequate amounts of protein to boost the immune system is key as amino acids are the foundation of the immune system. Legumes, nuts and seeds are a great source if consumed in proper amounts. Sources of protein like salmon, herring and sardines also contain high levels of vitamin D. Egg yolks can contain Vitamin D, however, higher levels are found in free-range chickens (even better, if you can obtain locally sourced eggs).
Super Plants
In a study targeted towards the COVID-19 and nutrition, plants like garlic, onion, ginger and turmeric were touted for their antiviral and immune boosting properties. Mushrooms like maitake, shitake, portobello and white contain high levels of Vitamin D. In addition to these super-foods, eating a diet high in fiber and vitamins is ideal, and is easily achieved by “eating the rainbow,” or eating at least five vibrant different colored fruits and vegetables a day.